ReactJS.NET 3.1

July 2, 2017 by Daniel Lo Nigro

I'm happy to announce the release of ReactJS.NET 3.1! This is a minor release with a few changes:

  • #388 - ASP.NET Core middleware is now in a separate NuGet package. If you want to use the middleware to transpile JavaScript without pulling in the full ASP.NET MVC Core framework, you can just use the React.AspNet.Middleware NuGet package.
  • #421 - Upgraded to JSPool 3.0. This has a few small API changes, but should not affect most sites unless you're messing with the internals of ReactJS.NET.
  • #421 - The MSBuild task now has an assembly binding for JavaScriptEngineSwitcher.Core, which should prevent strange errors when the version of JavaScriptEngineSwitcher.V8 does not match the version of JavaScriptEngineSwitcher.Core.
  • #413 - The DefaultEngineName setting in JavaScriptEngineSwitcher is now respected, and can be used to force a particular engine to be used.
  • #416 - MaxUsagesPerEngine is now available as a configuration option. Thanks to Halstatt.
  • #419 - Server-side console calls (eg. console.log) now include the stack trace. Thanks to Halstatt.

The ReactJS.NET project has also been upgraded to use the Visual Studio 2017 tooling (#406). This means that if you want to modify ReactJS.NET itself, you need to be using Visual Studio 2017.

Have fun, and as always, please feel free to send feedback or bug reports on GitHub.

— Daniel
