Code Structure

This document outlines the structure of ReactJS.NET's code internally. If you are just a regular user of ReactJS.NET, you don't have to read it.

Assemblies #

ReactJS.NET is split into several different dependencies (React.Core, React.Web, etc.). Ideally, the main "React.Core" assembly should have as few dependencies as possible. Dependencies with third-party libraries should be kept in separate assemblies unless they're required by core ReactJS.NET functionality (such as JavaScript engines)

Interfaces and Dependency Injection #

ReactJS.NET uses TinyIoC for dependency injection. You shouldn't directly reference the concrete implementation of any class unless explicitly extending it. The core ReactJS.NET consists of the following interfaces:

  • IReactEnvironment - The core React environment. Handles loading of all the JavaScript files, converting JSX to JavaScript, and actually rendering components
  • IJavaScriptEngineFactory - Handles creation of JavaScript engines. Since the Internet Explorer engine is not thread-safe, a new engine will be created per-thread

To obtain an implementation of any of these interfaces in your own code, use the dependency resolver:

var environment = React.AssemblyRegistration.Container.Resolve<IReactEnvironment>();

Ideally this should be done as little as possible. Internally, ReactJS.NET code should use constructor injection except at the very root entry points.
